Well Water Testing
Standard well water testing includes checking for Bacteria and Nitrates. Additional testing for other contaminants is available on request.

ProfessionalWell Water Inspections
Does your new home drink well water? Well water usually needs some form of treatment to make it safe for human consumption. Many people make the mistake of thinking that since they are in the country, their well water is safe to drink. There are many contaminants that may be in your well water, but the two most common are bacteria and nitrates. Bacterial contamination can be treated with a number of different systems delivering chemicals such as chlorine, fluoride, and iodine. Reverse osmosis and ultraviolet systems are also available. Depending on the conditions in your area, different filtering systems may also be required. Water softeners are used to soften water, but do not have any purification qualities.
Testing ThatUncovers the Truth
Our well water test is conducted by taking a sample of the well water from a faucet that is located before any filters or water softeners. Filters and water softeners may harbor bacteria and would contaminate the test sample. Two separate samples are taken, one for chlorine and the second for nitrates and bacteria.
Test samples must be hand-delivered to our local laboratory the same day they are taken. Well water tests can only be taken Monday through Friday. Results are usually available in three to five days.
Water Inspections in Great Detail
Some Water Impurities Include:
- Chemical Imbalances of the pH
- Hardness of water
- Dangerous level of bacteria such as E.coli and coliform
- Heavy metal contamination such as lead
- Nitrates and nitrites due to the presence of fertilizer in the soil
- Mineral contamination such as arsenic, fluoride and iron